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Plait in tail bag – LONG 90cm, Taupe and Jungle Rose

$ 35.00

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Use a plait in tail bag to keep your horses tail clean and assist with tail growth. You might opt for a plait in tail bag if your horse has a very thick and long tail, and a traditional style bag doesn’t fit!

A step by step “how to” on using your Buggez Bugeye plait in tail bag
1. Begin with a freshly combed tail, we suggest using a spray on “leave in” conditioner, or freshly washing and deep conditioning the tail.
2. Tie the tail bag just below the tip of the dock/tailbone.
3. Section the tail into three sections.
4. Reach though one of the “tubes,” hike it up on your arm (kind of like when you are putting stockings or a sock on,) and grab a section of the tail and pull it through the tube.
5. Do this to the remaining two sections.
6. Plait the three sections together.
7. You can either tie off the end or secure it with a hair band.
6. Every one to two weeks, remove tail bag, comb, condition and re-bag the tail. (Some hairs collecting on the comb is normal, tail hairs shed just like your own hair sheds!) Excessive fall out though can indicate a plait that is too tight (causing breakage,) or a bag tied too close to the dock.