MINI length Pink Sprinkles with light pink faux suede tassel

$ 20.00

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Horse tail bag in medium length to keep your horses tail clean and assist with tail growth.

To encourage tail growth and minimise breakages, only use a wide tooth plastic comb and brush no more than twice a week (the more brushing, the more hair loss). Do not braid immediately after washing as braiding wet hair can damage the hair and cause breakages.
Brush the dry hair smooth before starting. If needed, use a detangling spray sparingly.
When plaiting, hold the strands high as you cross over to keep tension on your plait and pull the hair gently snug (not tight) as you braid.
Method One
1. Plait your horse’s tail, starting below the dock and secure.
2. Slide tail into the tail bag and thread one tie from the back through the plait and secure with the front tie.
Method Two
1. Secure the tail below the dock using an elastic band (at least 2cm below the dock for your horse’s safety)
2. Slide tail into the tail bag and thread one tie from the back through the tail above the elastic and secure with the front tie.

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