Has your horse got an eye injury or skin condition?
Despite our best efforts, our horses get hurt or develop medical conditions.
We can tailor-make our masks to your horses individual needs, whether it be a skin condition, eye injury/condition or facial surgery. We work closely with you and your vet to create the perfect mask to aid in recovery.
As each mask is made to individual needs, please email hello@buggez.com.au or phone Catherine on 0458 701 165.
Some conditions we have assisted in recovery are:
Eye ulcers – we provide 100% UV blockout by using a layer of mesh overlaid with fabric
Loss of an eye – we have made masks with 100% blockout as above for the affected side, as companion horses can be unsettled when stabled with the affected horse
Uveitis – this can be aided by our 90% UV Tough mesh Bugeye or 90% UV Soft mesh Bugeye
Constant weeping eyes – this can be aided by our 90% UV Tough mesh Bugeye or 90% UV Soft mesh Bugeye
Bushfire affected – we have sewn all seams on the outside of our bugeyes to ensure they don’t rub and assist skin to heal